For one year,
theroaditravelon.blogspot.com fuses every woman's guide to life, love, reviews, contest and more. No need to search for more. You'll get the help you need at this one handy blog for gals even for guys.
And to celebrate her first anniversary celebration to us readers,
My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf blog generously gives away EC credits, $5 and a lot more to the readers who will participate in her contest.
Check her blog now to be inspired by her post and join her contest:
http://theroaditravelon.blogspot.com/2010/03/my-thoughts-my-heart-my-turf-blog.htmlGiveaway Major Sponsors:
A Woman Remembers - 1,000 EC credits, 1 month AD space and $5.00Azumi...Lil Dolly Princess - $5.00Best Vacation Places - $5.00Brisbane Hotels - $5.00Diva Fabulosa - $5.00From this Side - 3,000 EC creditsGirls Rule! - $5.00Just About Anything - $5.00Live for Life - 4,000 EC credits and 2 months AD spaceLiving Life to the Fullest - $5.00 + 1,000 EC creditsMomma Wannabe - $5.00My So-Called World - $5.00 + 1 month AD spaceNiko's Blog - $5.00Stalking Minds - $5.00The Hunger Games Trilogy - 3,000 EC creditsThe Mommy Journey - 5,000 EC creditsThe Snoring Queen - 5,000 EC creditsTravelin' with Marie - 8"x8", 20-page Photobook ($20.00 value) and two 1 month AD spacesWahmaholic - Wordpress or Blogger template based on the winner's choice of theme and color.Giveaway Secondary Sponsors: Babies and Contests - 2,000 EC credits + 1 month 125x125 AD space Chris Chronicles - 2,000 EC credits Cornyman's Blog Reviews - 2,000 EC credits
Cornyman's Money Blog - 1,000 EC + 10 x Spikes from CMF Ads worth 1$ (250 visitors) Earn Money Online with Red - 2 months AD space Earth Friendly Momma - 1,000 EC credits Fashion Explorer - 1,000 EC credits Gene + Experiments - 1 month AD space Health and Beauty Diva - 1,000 EC credits Her and History - 1,000 EC credits Here Anything Goes - 1,000 EC credits Home Buddies - AD spaces in her PR3, PR2, and PR1 blogs I Empower Myself - 1 month 125x125 AD space Inspirational Insights - 2,000 EC credits Life Can't Wait - 1,000 EC credits Life of a Filipina Blogger - 1,000 EC credits Liza's Online Journal - 1,000 EC credits + 1 month 125x125 AD space Mariuca Wishing on a Falling Star - 1,000 EC credits Mariuca's Perfume Gallery - 1,000 EC credits Meow Diaries - 1,000 EC credits Moms Write Stuff - 1,000 EC credits My Daily Thoughts and Ramblings - 2 months AD space (winner can opt to have 1 250x125 AD or 2 125x125 AD) My Journey to Life - 1 month AD space Pinkville - 1 month 125x125 AD space Proud Mommy and Wifey - 1,000 EC credits + 1 month 125x125 Ad space Runaway Blogger - 1,000 EC credits Samantha’s Own - 2,000 EC credits Simple Pero Rock - 1 month AD space and 2,000 EC credits Spread the Word - 1 month 125x125 AD space Tasty Exploration - 1,000 EC credits Teaching Moments - 1,000 EC credits The One Minute Guide - 1,000 EC + 10 x Spikes from CMF Ads worth 1$ (250 visitors) The Pinay Blogger at Home - 1,000 EC credits Up Now and What's Next - 1 month 125x125 Ad space Wonderful World of Peachy - 1,000 EC credits + 1 month AD space Giveaway Ends:
April 15, 2010BLOG MESSAGE:
HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf!!!
thanks for joining ann!☺
i should be the one thanking you, Bambie!!!
thanks for having this contest
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