For two years, Yashiro of yashirokuru.blogspot.com has put colors to the life of every Filipino locally or internationally. Yashiro's blog provides better online convenience as it is complete with blogs about parenting, toys, food, events, movies and most of all Daddy Day Care.
And now, in celebration of his second blog anniversary, he is hosting a point system contest for his avid followers and readers.
Now, hats Off to Yashiro's Sponsors:
Primary Sponsor

Secondary Sponsors

Tertiary Sponsors

Other Sponsors

* First Prize - $60 Through Paypal
* Second Prize - $30 Through Paypal
* Third Prize - $15 Through Paypal
* Special Prize 2 Best Review of Mommy Gen’s Blog and Mommy Gen’s Corner
* Scrapbook Supplies - worth $20 - http://momgen.etsy.com - Momgen's Corner - ship anywhere Scrapbook supplies - worth $10 - http://momgen.etsy.com - Momgen's Corner - ship anywhere
* Plus other prizes.
Giveaway Deadline: June 12, 2010.
CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTEST DETAILS: http://yashirokuru.blogspot.com/2010/05/postdropcash-contest.html
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