Plains & Prints GCs

Hush Puppies GCs
We can still have FUN during this RECESSION. A Filipino guide to look for freebies, giveaways, food and events on the cheap. "Recession-friendly activities" in short.
Mike, my boyfriend and best friend coined the title of this blog. I guess he really meant, home bodies (he’s not that good in spelling LOL). Anyway, still we are your home buddies, trying to earn money at home and doing much everything at home.
We’re pretty much at home – watching movies at home, working out at home, and earning money at home. I wish I will be able to share my experiences and somehow you will learn from them.
This blog is supposed to be a niche blog where I should write reviews of online and offline revenue gigs that I am into. But I thought since this is (which is my nick), I will just make it my personal blog. So what you will find here is mostly about how I see the world, my interests, struggles into keeping fit while being a mother of a hyper tot, and of course, how I am able to earn amidst all these stuff in my hands.
This blog is consist of updates on what is going on in our part of the world - our recaptured life and love stories, old but memorable experiences and other events we had.
It's my hope that this blog will keep our relatives and friends informed about what is going on in our lives. It's also my hope that visitors can appreciate what they will read and perhaps learn something from our stories though every blog post will be about personal stuff.
It's also my my hope to gain friends through blogging :)
Guys and girls, check My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf now to be inspired by her beautiful and awesome blog posts!!!
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Blog Design by Gisele Jaquenod and Birdie