Countdown to Clear Skin Contest Mechanics
The competition is open to those who meet the following criteria:
*Female students aged 12-17 years old
* Employees of Johnson & Johnson and its agencies, and their relatives up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity are not eligible to join.
Entry submission
*For submissions to be valid, you have to upload your entries anytime between October 1, 12:00AM – October 31, 2009 11:59PM
*All entries will be filtered by the site moderator to ensure only valid entries are posted.
Contest mechanics
*Sign-in or register for an account at Multiply.com and join the CLEANANDCLEARPHIL group
*Go to the Acne Talk page and tell us about your worst pimple moment and how you were able to overcome it! The more interesting your story is, the bigger your chances of winning! But of course, keep your stories real :)
*Twenty (20) of the best testimonials will be chosen to win a set of Clean & Clear Active Clear Acne Control Kit. Announcement of the top 20 testimonials will be on October 17.
*The top 20 entries will be asked to submit a 1-minute testimonial video, creatively showcasing how they were able to conquer their pimple moments
*All 20 testimonial videos will be posted on the Clean & Clear site on November 4.
How to Upload A Testimonial Entry
* You should be a member of the cleanandclearphil group to upload content
* While logged on to your Multiply account, visit this link: http://cleanandclearphil.multiply.com/notes/compose
* Create your contest entry
* Click on the SUBMIT POST button to upload your entry
Top 20 Written Testimonials: Criteria for Judging
*The top 20 testimonials will be chosen based on the following criteria:
40% Believability (Does your testimonial sound real and sincere?)
30% Creativity and Originality (Was your testimonial written in a unique and very engaging manner?)
30% Overall impact
*Finalists will be identified by J&J Clean & Clear brand team & its agencies.
The Top 8 Testimonial Videos
*The top 20 written entries will be requested to submit a 1-minute testimonial video to bring to life their winning entry in their own creative way.
*The top 8 quality videos be chosen by J&J Clean & Clear brand team & its agencies.
*Announcement of the top 8 quality videos will be on November 11.
*Each of the 8 winners will receive an additional 2,000 pesos worth of gift certificates from Store Specialist. They can use their GCs to shop in any of the Zara, Topshop, Mango and Todd's stores within Metro Manila.
The Top 8 Testimonial Videos: Criteria for Judging
* The top 8 testimonial videos will be chosen based on the following criteria:
40% Believability (Does your testimonial video sound real and sincere?)
30% Creativity and Originality (Was your testimonial video done in a unique and very engaging manner?)
30% Overall impact
*Finalists will be identified by J&J Clean & Clear brand team & its agencies.
Click here for more info: http://cleanandclearphil.multiply.com/notes/item/59
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